
The architects of our success

More than 28 years ago he started off on his own with one delivery car. He had a passion and vision which he now shares with a team of over 700 people.

It is Mirosław Maszoński's perspective on the industry and people that shapes our organisational culture today: a culture that aims to unlock human potential.

We want to be a leader in TSL shipping for our clients. Our employees are the most important partners in achieving this. 

Robert Świergiel, Chief Operational Officer
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We have a team of qualified, competent and dynamic individuals.

What sets our employees apart is speed and creativity. We listen to our customers so we can develop effective logistics solutions that always meet their needs.

Our organisational culture supports the business of our clients and partners:


  • we continuously improve our professional competencies
  • we work quickly and efficiently
  • we are highly committed and pay attention to the needs of our clients
  • we are flexible and thorough
  • we share our success with others
  • we prefer open and honest communication

See our CSR projects

We invest in training and facilitating personal development of our employees.

We appreciate commitment by offering employees an opportunity to climb the career ladder within our organisational structure.

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